Led by a team of experts in Nursing and Biomedical Sciences, our professional training programs aim to ensure successful product launches and sharing of up-to-date knowledge.

  • We not only offer the product, but also the support and training needed to ensure our principals launch and/or upgrade the business to their maximum satisfaction and in turn maximize the productivity of their operations.

  • As soon as the equipment is installed, our schedule coordinators will arrange training sessions for the key operators. We will make every effort to match our schedule with yours and travel to your site at a time that is convenient to you and your team.

  • We also tailor our training programs to meet your business needs. Our professional trainers will show your team how to perform their jobs more quickly and efficiently with the use of the new equipment as you have envisioned.

  • CME and re-certification programs will be introduced based on individual needs.


We also provide prompt after-sales services to support our principals and customers. Our team of service engineers has extensive experience ranging from regular preventive maintenance to real-time troubleshooting. We aim to ensure our customers enjoy seamless workflow efficiency.

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